Manifesting your best life is bringing into reality the life you want. It’s turning your thoughts, desires, and dreams into reality. Think of it as your 2023 New Year’s resolution!
Is Manifesting Your Best Life New?
The term manifestation has different interpretations but in simple terms, it’s the act of bridging the gap between your wishes and reality. It’s something that you feel or believe will happen in reality.
It’s not new, it’s been around for thousands of years. It happens to all of us when our lives and positive emotions align.
However, few people know about this or recognize it as a manifestation.
How Manifesting Your Best Life Works
When you think about it, you might feel like it can take a long time to manifest your best life. But it can take a short period of time to get the results you want using the tips below.
So, let’s get started on manifesting your best life!
Decide What You Want to Manifest
First things first. Before you start, you must decide what’s the better life you want. This way, you’ll manifest knowing exactly why you want that type of life.
When deciding, ask yourself:
- Is it something I want?
- What positive things can I get from this?
- Do I feel good when I think about this?
- Can it be beneficial for me and others?
Now, decide what you want and why you want it. Then believe you can get it when you ask for it!
But be careful. Picking too many things to manifest at once can be hectic and if you want to manifest in a short period decide on something you’re sure you can achieve.
Set yourself up for success. You can’t have goals to start a business and decide to manifest it successfully in 24 hours. Instead, manifest some components of your dream business. Like, getting a loan, creating a business plan, or finding a business partner. Then move forward manifesting your next steps one by one.
Here is a printable worksheet to help you get started. Manifesting Your Best Life Worksheet
Start with Gratitude
Before you start manifesting, show gratitude for what you have. Write down five things you are thankful for each day. When you show appreciation for what you have, you tell the universe, “It’s true, I have these, and I want more of them in my life”.
Get Rid of
On your way to success, you will always come across obstacles. That’s a fact. However, they shouldn’t keep you from manifesting your best life.
The common manifestation obstacles you should watch for include:
Negative mindset
Before you manifest anything, get rid of your negative mindset. After all, how can you expect to achieve good things if you’re focused on the bad ones?
Toxic people
When manifesting your best life, you need to stay away from people who are holding you back. People who tell you, your dreams are too hard to achieve. Or even worse, people who don’t see the good in you. Why? Toxic people will drain the life out of you and your goals.
Create a Vision Board
Create a vision board with pictures of the things you want. Make your vision board specific so you can manifest it with ease. Look at your board weekly or even daily. Remind yourself what it is you are striving toward.
Prepare for Your Best Life
What are the things you need to prepare to manifest your best life? Well, for example, if you want a job, you need to look your best for the interview. So, you may need to buy new clothes. Or, if you want to attract more money, get a bank account. After all, you’ll need a place for all the money you make from your new job, right? See how this works!
Forget and Be Patient
Things can work for you or against you. Understand those good things don’t come easily or fast. For you to get the best results, you need to go one step at a time. Build the momentum you need to keep achieving your goals. You’ll be surprised how much better your life becomes once you get going.
Manifesting Your Best Life, final thoughts
The best advice when you’re manifesting is don’t force things to happen. Pushing things may end up getting you what you didn’t want. Instead, take action and be in control as you’re manifesting your best life. Your thoughts, desires, and dreams will become reality when the time is right.