Plants not only brighten up your surroundings, but they can lift your mood too. That’s why we’ve titled this post, Plants & Positive Vibes!
Did you know that employees who work in offices with plants tend to feel better about their jobs? Even a prickly cactus will have you worrying less and taking fewer sick days!
So, here’s what science tells us about plants & positive vibes.
The Benefits of Indoor Plants
Many people enjoy living and working in cultivated green spaces, and most like having beautiful plants around them. But is there more to it?
Read on to learn how an office plant may be just what your workplace needs.
1. Office Plants Reduce Stress
Yes, you heard it here, plants in your office can make you feel more comfortable, and relaxed.
Science says the mere sight of an indoor plant can reduce stress in office workers. And both passive and active involvement with an office plant has a calming effect.
Why? Because people are naturally designed for connection and nurturing.
Something is awe-inspiring about having a living organism in the office window. One that starts with maybe one or two leaves and is two or three inches tall in a tiny, glazed pot.
You put it in a window, so it gets a little light. You give it a little bit of water, and then it turns into something else right in front of you!
So, liven up your cubicle with some radical succulents and grow with the flow.
2. Increased Creative Vibes
While plants themselves may not help with creativity, their color might. A study found that people working on creative tasks with a view of the outdoors showed increased visual creativity. Remember, this post is all about plants & positive vibes!
What was more shocking was that people using green paper without views of the outdoors showed even MORE creativity.
So, if you can’t introduce real plants into your workspace, try using green office supplies or artwork for creative inspiration.
Oh, the places you will grow when your creative juices are blooming!
3. Plants & Positive Healing
For people experiencing the symptoms of mental illness, indoor gardening can be helpful.
Being a plant parent can give you a sense of purpose and improve your overall emotional wellbeing. Even more so, taking care of your office plant releases endorphins making you feel happier and more energized.
Today, some medical clinics are even “prescribing” potted plants to patients with depression or anxiety symptoms. Why? Because learning to nurture a living plant helps to lower anxiety, improve attention, and lessen the severity of depression.
I’ll say it again, plants & positive vibes.
4. Plants Boost Productivity
An office plant may turn out to be the best cubicle mate you’ve ever had. They are quiet, courteous, and will always be supportive.
Add to that, when you’ve got a big project at work, enlist the help of some plants! Studies show that people were 15% more productive when they had plants in their workplace. So, show some respect to the forgotten Boston fern in the corner of your office!
Office plants are even known to reduce after-lunch fatigue and help you to get over that afternoon slump.
So, a spider plant could literally replace the need for an afternoon sugar fix. Bloom there it is!
5. Plants & Positive Air
Furnaces and air conditioners can sap the humidity indoors, raising your chances of catching a cold or the flu.
However, your desktop English ivy can emit water vapor back into the air through transpiration. (Transpiration in plants is the equivalent of humans perspiring)
Carpets, paint, cleaners, printer toners and inks, and many other indoor objects give off pollutants called (VOCs). These can build up in the air, irritate your eyes and skin, and worsen your asthma. Houseplants can soak up these VOCs through their leaves and then run them through their roots.
Now that’s a breath of fresh air.
So, let’s get to the root of Plants & Positive Vibes!
In short, having an office plant can reduce both your physical and emotional stress. They clean and improve the office air and they are the best co-workers you will ever have.
So, take a leaf of faith, and put a plant on your desk. You’ll find it grows on you!
Make yourself the heart and soil of your office with this short article on How to Care for Houseplants in Winter (bhg.com)
The Dirt on this Post
Wondering why Wills, a company that is in the business of warehousing and logistics would write a post about plants? Because we care about the wellbeing of our 200+ employees. That’s why!
In fact, Stacy Kenney, Wills Brockville CSR provided office plants to all of the Wills’ branches. Thanks, Stacy, now we can all experience plants & positive vibes.
For more office wellness tips check out our post titled Clean Off Your Desk Day.