The Poppy Campaign
Every year, from the last Friday of October to November 11, tens of millions of Canadians wear a Poppy as a visual pledge to honour Canada’s Veterans and remember those who sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy today. While the Poppy is distributed freely to all who wish to wear one, the Legion gratefully accepts donations to the Poppy Fund.
The Poppy Campaign is very much a local initiative, conducted by Legion Branches in cities, towns and communities across the country. Donations collected during the Poppy Campaign are held in Trust at the branch level to directly support Veterans and their families within their community and to help ensure Canadians ‘never forget’. Learn more about how your donations help Veterans. In the days leading up to November 11, Poppies can be seen in every corner of this great country. This show of support and display of remembrance would not be possible without the efforts of thousands of Legionnaires and Cadets who volunteer to distribute Poppies to the community through schools, community organizations and local businesses. |
Wills Transfer in Smiths Falls would like to remind Canadians that by wearing their poppy this year, they are taking part in a national display of PRIDE & RESPECT – A visual pledge to never forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Last year, more than 18 million Canadians wore a poppy to HONOUR, THANK AND REMEMBER Canada’s fallen veterans and those who serve today.
Your generous donations care for veterans and their dependents – and are greatly appreciated.
A special message from Wills Transfer.
Please listen to our radio spot from Jack FM.
The Act of Remembrance
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
We will remember them.
Remembrance Day is a day for all Canadians to remember the men and women who served and sacrificed for our country. It is a day we encourage every individual, young and old, to pause, to give thanks and to remember.
As we approach this Remembrance Day, we at Wills Transfer would also like to thank our employees who have served with the Armed Forces or Reserve.
Corporal St. Onge
Vehicle Tech, Maintenance Platoon
2nd Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
Leading Seaman Fortin
1997 – 2009
Sonar Operator
Canadian Navy
Master Corporal Ronan
Infantry Section Commander
The Royal Canadian Regiment 2nd Battalion
Master Corporal Vanderschuit
Air Weapons System Technician (Armorer) & Explosives Ordnance Disposal Supervisor
Air to Air Intercept Squadron
Tactical Fight Squadron & Training Squadron
Corporal Abrams
Infantry Man
Brockville Riles, Primary Reserve