Technology Equals Electronic Waste
At Wills we invest heavily in technology and hardware. As a result, our investment in technology equals electronic waste. Upgrading PCs and decommissioning them is a necessary part of business today. For this reason, being responsible with our electronic waste is also a necessity.
The Global Effect of Electronic Waste
Did you know globally last year, electronic waste reached 53.6 million metric tonnes? In fact, with advances in technology and new products, electronic waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world- Source Government of Canada, Office of Consumer Affairs
Electronic Waste Recycling
Now, decommissioning PC’s may not sound exciting but recycling them is! For this reason, Wills uses the Electronic Recycling Association when upgrades to technology equals electronic waste.
Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) is a non-profit organization founded in 2004. Created to address the growing problem of global electronic waste. Their primary goal is to reduce e-waste. Secondly, to redistribute unwanted computers and related electronic equipment.
How the ERA works
- They pick up old IT & electronic equipment that you don’t need any more at your site
- Remove all your company’s data from computers according to NAID standards
- Recycle locally all the equipment that cannot be reused
- Offer on-off-site unit destruction
Additionally, the ERA refurbishes donated items, and where possible, donates them to local charities.
Why, because having regular access to a personal computer is an essential. Even basic activities now require the use of a computer. Applying for a job, schoolwork, staying in touch with family or looking up a bus route is difficult without a computer. The Electronic Recycling Association has developed a charitable computer donation program to address exactly that problem.
For more information on how Wills invests in the latest technology please, go to our Integration and Technical Services page.
Wills Transfer is getting this pallet ready to be loaded on the truck to Ottawa for Electronic Recycling Association to pick up. Hurray!