The Thing About April
Here in Canada, the thing about April is its a most confusing month. Rainy and wet one day, the next full of a warm promise of green growth to come.
Named after the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. In the Roman calendar, the fourth month is spelled Aprilis, meaning “to open”. The name is quite fitting, as it is the month when trees and flowers begin to bloom and open to flower.
The Thing About April and its’ Zodiac Signs
Besides the weather, April is full of surprises and contradiction. It holds two Zodiac signs and is a birth month to amazing geniuses and crazed dictators.
People born in the first part of the month between March 21st and April 19th are said to be born under the sign of Aries the Ram, a sun sign. These folks embrace courage, activity, adventure, joyfulness, and passion.
Then there are those born from April 20th to May 20th who are under Taurus the Bull, an Earth sign. They are romantics, patient to a fault and tenacious.
The Cusp Thing
If you were born on the “cusp” of these two signs, (between April 19th and 20th) then your soul decided to sign up for a Life Path and blend the energy of these two signs.
“People born at the cusp of Aries and Taurus, are individuals of rare power and potential”
Back to geniuses and crazed dictators. Leonardo da Vinci was born in April, a man who was a great painter of religious art. A scientist fascinated by the flight of birds and the mechanisms of guns.
Also, the amazingly gifted play writer, William Shakespeare both started and ended life in the month of April. He was born on April 23, 1564, then died on or about his birthday at the age of 52 in England in 1616.
As mentioned, the thing about April is it’s full of contradictions. So, just in case you thought only talented geniuses and gifted people were born in April add Adolf Hitler.
Surely one of the most depraved leaders ever, was born in Austria on the 20th, 1889. His brand of crazy involved world domination and extreme mass murder.” Maybe it was that “cusp” thing.
Even April’s birth flowers are opposites!
With this in mind, lets take a closer look at April’s two flowers. First, we have Daisies. If you are born a daisy, you have a certain wholesomeness about you that no one else does. Let’s call you the innocent ones.
Next up is the Sweet Pea. Those people who are born a sweet pea have a fine appreciation of enjoyment and are always on the lookout for new amusement. These folks bring joy wherever they go, encouraging the rest of us to relax and have some fun! They must be Aries the Rams, and so we will call these folks the players.
And of course, as we all know, “April showers bring May flowers,” so if the rain of April ever gets you down, never forget the silver lining! Actually, go find a Ram who was born a sweet pea to hang out with for some sure-fire-fun.
Finally, the thing about April is it’s just like life, most confusing and full of contradiction.