Given the concerns about novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are sharing some important updates as it relates to our employees, visitors and general business during these highly uncertain times.
At this time, our warehouses and transportation divisions remain at low risk levels but be assured Wills Transfer Limited your trusted partner for 3rd Party Logistics, warehousing and transportation has a dedicated committee taking immediate steps to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
To our valued customers please take the below outline of precautions as our commitment to the safety of our employees, their families and the communities where we live and operate.
Mandatory Awareness Training is ongoing to all Wills Transfer employees ensuring they are armed with practical knowledge, up-to-date information, postings and answers to general concerns.
Personal Protection Tools such as hand sanitizers, disinfecting wipes & sprays have been provided and are in elevated levels of use within our warehouses, offices and transportation vehicles.
Work Safe means that any Wills Transfer employee who has any of the symptoms of a flu including fever, cough and difficulty in breathing will be asked to stay home.
While conducting Wills Transfer business either with one another or our valued customers consider Skype, Teams, tele-conference, text, e-mail or phone conversation to be an option rather than face to face contact.
Where possible employees are encouraged to avoid contact with one another and follow good hygiene etiquette, covering sneeze/cough and performing thorough handwashing, sanitation and social distancing.
Signatures will not be mandatory at this time on back-and-forth paperwork reducing the risk of transmission.
Mandatory Visitor Questionnaires are posted to monitor the health & wellness of all Wills Transfer employees and non-essential visitors will be discouraged.
Wills Transfer Limited is committed to the health and safety of all visitors at all locations operated by Wills. Wills warehouses are Controlled Goods Certified and as such are committed to the security required to maintain this designation. It is the responsibility of any employee who admits a visitor to ensure that the policy guidelines are followed. It is the responsibility of all employees to monitor and report areas of non-compliance. D.44 Visitor Policy section 5. Sub section 5.1