You have two hands, one to help yourself and one to help others.
You have two hands, but are you constantly putting other people’s needs before yours? If so, you are doing a grave injustice not only to yourself but also to others. Your hands need to be equally full, or you will be out of balance.
Life is all about balance and when you constantly put others first, you become imbalanced and that is bound to lead to unhappiness in the long run.
Therefore, take time to become conscious of imbalances in your life. Bring your life into balance by learning to put yourself first.
“If you don’t workout, sleep, meditate, relax, or do whatever special things you need to do for you, you won’t be the best version of yourself. When you’re not your best version of yourself, you can’t do things for others. In a way, it’s actually selfless to take great care of yourself because it allows you to be more present for your family and friends.”– Heather Monahan
You have two hands, are they in balance?
Spend time with yourself, listen to yourself, understand yourself, find out what truly makes you happy and what makes you sad. Who or what lifts your spirits and who or what makes you feel drained? What motivates you and what discourages you? Know what your true passions are and where you want to go in life.
Next, self check and ask yourself, did I?
- Take my allotted vacation this year?
- Utilize my benefits plan at work, new glasses, massage therapy, physio appointments?
- Make time for myself without guilt?
- Get organized so I had more me time?
- Identify what I can do without and get rid of it?
- Prioritize family, work, and hobbies?
- Ground myself in spiritual practices (if that applies)
- Eliminate what I only tolerate?
Once you recognize these, make it a point to respect what you believe in, your needs, dreams, and desires. Start giving them your utmost priority.
Now, find ways to support your self check
- Schedule a staycation. Stay at home and read a book or try some adult colouring.
- Trade services with friends. Offer to do things you enjoy or were planning to do anyway.
- Make a point to be in community with those that support you.
- Set boundaries and say “no thanks” to activities that sap your emotional energy.
- Make priorities, then work through your list in order of importance.
- Outsource chores. Hire a teenager to mow your lawn. Have groceries delivered.
- Plan one fun activity a week. It gives you something to look forward to!
- Also work exercise into your day. Take a walk at lunch, use the stairs instead of the elevator, or add a gym-time reminder to your calendar.
- Live in the moment. If you’re playing with your kids, forget about work deadlines! -WebMD, LLC.
“Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create.” –Jana Kingsford
Finally, remember the first step toward positive balance is to let yourself have it. Once you let yourself have it your hands will be equally balanced.
This is a great reminder. We need to take care of ourselves, then we can do better at taking care of others. Thanks for this important reminder! P